Sunday, July 20, 2008

Almost 2...

23 months have passed and he is almost 2. Cooper is full of energy and lots of fun.
He has over 50 words, he loves to "sing" you can recognize the tune even though the words aren't always there.
Favorite book is Brown Bear, Brown Bear what do you see by Eric Carl. He loves to name the animals and say all their sounds. The big kids read this book to him many times a day.
Just like all the other kids he is a water bug too and enjoys swimming, going under, jumping in and has no fear.
This month he finally figured out how to feed himself, I know really slow of us on this one.
We call him the "greeter" because he says "HI" to anyone and everyone that goes by. He is very friendly.
One thing that I have noticed this month is that he is very interested in shoes, which he calls "bye byes". Not just any shoes. He likes to point out any shoes that women are wearing. Today at church he was pointing at his little friend Brooklyn's shoes. He will lay on the floor and study all the details of the shoes. I know its a little weird!
He still has a huge interest in cars & will push them around all day long. He also notices cars on the road and just like Griffin will name the cars make. Today he saw a VW bug and said "Bug Bug". Very cute.
Here are some FL pictures of Cooper on the beach. His favorite thing to do was to eat the sand. I'm just glad I'm not finding it in his diaper any more.


broedell5 said...

I wondered if he was still pooping sand!!!!He was so cute!

JessBless said...

What a precious boy!! It is hard to believe that he will be 2. And, just like your other kids, he is a looker and the perfect subject for picture taking.

Cortney Genova said...

Oh little Benny is growing up so fast!!! He is so stinkin sweet! Miss you guys!