Sunday, January 20, 2008

17 Months of Good Cooper Lovens

Cooper turned 17 months on Saturday. He is still the calmest natured baby we know. We enjoy each moment we spend with our little buddy.
Here are 10 Cooper Facts
1.He loves cars and carries around 1 particular car all day long. He sleeps with it, eats with it, bathes with it. One day I will blog about him and his beloved car. The funniest thing is how responsible he is with it. He rarly looses it. I hope this is a good sign.
2. Cooper's nick names: Coopy Benny, Benny, Benny Bop, Ben, Big Ben, Cinco (Carson calls him this, as if he is the 5th baby) Gochy Gagga (another Carson creation),Boppers, Coopy, Coop Ben. This poor baby doesn't know his real name.
3. The cutest newest thing he started doing this month...He signs I LOVE YOU and says "Wove You" when he's signing. SO SWEET! He does this when we come into his room in the morning, when we leave, any time we go bye bye.
4. His new obsession is lights. Anytime you walk into a room and there is a light on he looks up, points and says "wight, wight" Rick says he's going to work in the chandelier section at Lowes
5. He has a very long attention span and sits flipping through a book for 30 minutes at a time.
6. Total teeth count-11, working on the big molars this past week. ouch!
7. He still loves bath time and is going to be a great swimmer this summer
8. He figured out how to go down the stairs on his tummy, get off a couch & a bed the safe way
9. When he's tired at night he says "nye nyete" to be put in his bed
10. He loves when his daddy gets home from work & runs to the door yelling "Dada Dada"
I dug up a few pictures from the past

Can you tell he was a summer baby, look at my tan! ha!
8 lbs 13 oz he was huge at only 38 weeks