Monday, April 14, 2008

GREAT weekend in The woodlands

We had a great weekend in The Woodlands. After church Rick's parents drove up to have lunch with us. We went to Johnny Rocket's. A very fun place for the kids. (thanks Misty for the tip). The servers sing & dance, hand out hats & balloons etc.. Our kids had a ton of fun. Ok so it was a little loud for us, but hey they were happy and entertained so that's all that matters. I have a ton of photos to edit from the weekend that I will post later. Until then here are a few to enjoy...

The server wrote all their names in ketchup into their bowls. The love that. Carson asked if I would take a picture and show the whole world! I guess blogging counts right?
Parker watching the servers sing & dance
Rick and Cooper dancing. He must have been looking up at the lights, since he is so OBSESSED with lights, still. No really that's the first thing he notices anywhere we go are the lighting fixtures and fans.
Parker, Grandaddy, Griffin & Carson eating lunch together.


Leslie said...

Sounds like you guys had a fun weekend. Can't wait to see your new shots.

jonna said...

Looks super fun!

jonna said...

Looks like a really fun time. And who doesn't wan't their name written in ketchup captured for posterity?